Our Service Promise
Our Service Promise
Our Service Promise
AirRoad's Commitment to You
Delivery in Full and On Time
AirRoad's fundamental commitment is to deliver in full and on time and our mission is to be the best provider of express transport solutions in the industry. Our service entails:
> Delivery in full- we deliver your goods together as we believe that a split delivery erodes the benefit of timeliness
> Delivery on time- your goods will arrive on time by the day we promise
(Visit Our DIFOT page to learn more.)
Superior Product Handling
AirRoad has developed custom trailers with 'air-ride' suspension and adjustable mezzanine floors to reduce freight compaction.
Genuinely Customised Solutions
Handling staff are trained specifically on your freight loading and unloading requirements. Time-critical deliveries are personally managed by one of our experienced team members and loading inefficiencies or distribution issues are quickly resolved.
Personalised Service
Providing value and a competent service defines what we offer to our clients. Your own Client Manager ensures that no issue goes unresolved, regardless of type, time or size. Our knowledgeable Client Support team is there to assist you and is only a phone call away, in case of any operational issues.
It is our belief that an open and trusting partnership with your team delivers mutual benefit.
Video - Our Service Promise
Click play to see what the Service Promise means.
Alternatively, download the brochure here.