Sensitive Freight Transport Services
Sensitive Freight Transport Services
Sensitive Freight Transport Services
AirRoad Specialised provides a suite of value-added transport options to handle sensitive freight. We understand that not every delivery is routine and want our clients to have total peace of mind, knowing that we are able to manage their delivery from end to end.
Choosing AirRoad Specialised for your sensitive freight transport needs
A leading specialist freight carrier, AirRoad Specialised does more than just deliver your sensitive goods in an express timeframe. Choosing us gives you access to:
- An expert, dedicated team focused solely on supporting our Specialised clients
- Communication, flexibility and continuous improvement. We know that no two Specialised projects are exactly the same and we adapt our service with the same care and attention every time
- A personalised service that is large enough to deliver, yet small enough to care.
Do you need one or more of the value-added services below?
AirRoad Specialised can provide:
- 2 person tail lift pickups and deliveries
- Roll out and roll-backs- deliveries can be planned and executed to be made within a precise timeframe
- Project management- highly trained, Specialised personnel conduct site inspections and manage the project end-to-end
- Reverse logistics- coordinated pickups from your customer including packing, labelling and delivery to a forwarding address.
Request a Quote
Call: 1300 CERTAIN (237 824) or email :
AirRoad Specialised Flyer
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